Join the HLR Men's Golf Association
$48 per year - What's included? (click here)
"Membership does not include Golf Course & Tournament related fees."
Would you like to join?
Drop by the Pro Shop with a check for $48 and tell them you want to join the Holly Lake Ranch Men's Golf Association.
What is the HLR MGA?
7 facts about the HLR MGA
The Holly Lake Ranch Men’s Golf Association (HLR MGA) is the official men's golf association in HLR. Our MGA is a great way to meet fellow golfers in our community, featuring monthly tournaments, weekly Play Days, and special events like our annual MGA Club Championship.
With a wide variety of member skill levels and many handicap-adjusted tournaments we focus as much on fun as playing your best golf, the HLR MGA welcomes the new player and old pro alike.
Who can join the MGA?
The HLR MGA is open to all HLR property owners, renters and residents. You do not need to have an established golf handicap or any golf experience.
For the ladies, we have the HLR Women's Golf Association as well. You can sign-up at the golf Pro Shop for both the MGA and WGA.
Membership benefits
Being a member of the HLR MGA brings many benefits:
Establishing an official handicap: Becoming an MGA member is the easiest way to get an official golf handicap. A significant portion of your membership fee goes to establishing and maintaining your handicap via the GHIN system run by the US Golf Association. GHIN is supported at golf courses worldwide.
Monthly tournaments: We host a full slate of MGA member golf tournaments each year, from February to November. Each tournament has its own unique format to keep things fun. Most tournaments have a $35 entry fee, with proceeds supporting the prize pool (shop credit) for winners.
Club Championship: As an MGA member, you are eligible to play in our annual HLR Men's Club Championship. The Championship tournament also includes several skill level flights that adjust based on handicap.
MGA Member Drive Tournament: Our first MGA tournament each February is the MGA Member Drive tournament. As part of the objective to have fun playing golf we want to grow the membership each year which is beneficial for all involved at Holly Lake Ranch. To promote this not only is there NO entry fee for this tournament, there is also a prize pool for the top few places in each flight. It's a great way to start out the MGA tournament year. So get INVOLVED. You are Welcome!
1) We have over 170 members in the HLR MGA.
2) We host 10 golf tournaments each year, from February to November. In general, our golf tournaments are played from the gold (senior) tees.
3) A significant portion of your MGA membership fee is paid to the GHIN handicap system, which maintains your official handicap for use at golf courses worldwide.
4) The average handicap for an HLR MGA member is about 18. That equates to a round of about 90. We have 21 golfers with a single-digit handicap, and 46 golfers with a handicap of 20 or more.
5) Our MGA is run by a 5-member board that is elected each year. Board meetings are held monthly and open to all MGA members.
6) Each year, the MGA donates money to a special project to improve the HLR Golf Course. Past projects include replacing the bag stands at the driving range, and repairing the benches at the Pro Shop.
Never played golf before? Don't worry...
You live in a golf community and want to play golf but you don't know where to start; please feel free to drop by the pro shop and visit with our local Pro's, they will be welcoming and more than happy to get you the information needed to get started.
The average MGA member handicap is 18 (that equates to a round of about 90), and we have many golfers with a handicap over 20. The important thing is to have fun.
The reality is that most other golfers don't care how good you are as long as you have a good pace of play: Learning pace of play is as important as learning how to swing. Nobody will mind if you double-bogey every hole if you learn to play at a pace that aligns with the rest of the group. Here is a great article that gives several tips to improve your pace of play. A great habit is this, always be thinking about what you can do to prepare for your next shot while others are hitting.
But how about learning how to play? Here are a few tips to get you started:
Hit the practice range: A great way to build your confidence for a real round is to get comfortable on the practice range.​
Play a twilight: During much of the year, twilight golf is available after 5pm. This is a great way to get time on the course without a crowd, and when those who are out playing are nice and mellow.
Tee up your ball: Not just on the tee box...tee your ball up from the fairway too. If you're a new golfer and hitting a clean ball off the ground feels impossible, just use a tee. Gradually lower your tee over time until you are hitting off the ground.
Take a few lessons: We have several people at the Pro Shop who can help. You can get help with your swing, get a few tips on course management and pace of play, and even learn a little golf lingo...and it's not expensive at all.
Ask us for help: The goal of our HLR MGA is to spread the joy of golf to our community. If you want to play but don't have a partner or a group, just ask. Come up to the Pro Shop and talk to our Pro, or reach out to someone on our MGA Board.