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Holly Lake Ranch MGA By-laws

ARTICLE I       Name:

The name of this organization shall be the Holly Lake Ranch Men’s Golf Association (HLR MGA).


ARTICLE II      Object:

The object of this Association is the promotion of good fellowship and sportsmanship among its members in playing golf and taking part in golf tournaments, conducted in accordance with the rules of the United States Golf Association (USGA), except as modified by local rules of the course.


ARTICLE III     Membership:

All MGA members must be Holly Lake Ranch property owners or renters, and be current (within 60 days) on Association dues. Dependents of property owners may also be MGA members until they reach the age of 21 or are married.


ARTICLE IV      Meetings:

The business meetings of the Association shall be at the call of the President or any three members of the Executive Committee, or of the Vice President in the absence of the President.


ARTICLE V       By-Laws:


The by-laws may be altered or amended at any regular or special meeting held in conformity with the by-laws. One-third (1/3) of the total membership must participate in the vote and the proposal must carry by a two thirds (2/3) majority. The proposed change(s) must have been announced previously by a minimum of two (2) weeks in advance of said meeting.

ARTICLE VI       Dues:


The Annual Dues shall be determined by the MGA Board each year. The dues will include the cost of the MGA Member Directory  and Handicap maintenance.

ARTICLE VII      Officers:


Section 1. The officers of the Association shall be President, Vice-President/Tournament Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and Communications Director.

Section 2. Terms of Officers will be two (2) years. The President and Vice-President/Tournament Chairman will be elected from the two carryover officers.

Section 3. A meeting for the purpose of electing officers shall be held annually.


Section 4. The Tournament Chairman will arrange and promote tournaments in conjunction with the Club Professional. The T.C. and Club Pro will handle all the rules disputes during all MGA tournaments.

Section 5. The President, or in his absence or disability the Vice President, shall preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee, and shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Association.


Section 6. The Secretary shall keep records of the meetings of the Association and Executive Committee. He shall keep a complete list of all members. He shall attend to the necessary correspondence of the Association and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Executive Committee.


Section 7. The Treasurer shall collect and keep all monies of the Association and disburse them as directed by the Executive Committee. His signature, and the President’s signature, shall be on file of the Association’s bank account. He shall keep accurate records of all monies received and dispensed. His records shall be open at all times to the inspection of the Executive Committee. He shall make a report of the financial condition of the Association at each business meeting.


Section 8.  The Communications Director shall maintain and update all communications from the Association and/or the Holly Lake Ranch Golf Club as directed by the Executive Committee. He shall maintain and update all electronic media (i.e. Facebook, websites, and any other media that might be added). Due to the specific nature of this position and knowledge required, this position will be for two years.


ARTICLE VIII       Executive Committee:


Section 1. There shall be a total of five (5) members of the Executive Committee, composed of President, Vice-President/Tournament Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Communications Director.


Section 2. The Executive Committee shall meet at the call of the President or any three members of this Committee.

Section 3. The Executive Committee shall have the power: (a) to make and amend rules for the conduct of golf tournaments and social affairs the Association may decide to sponsor, and (b) to expend funds of the Association in carrying out its objectives and purposes.


Section 4. The Officers and Executive Committee shall take office at the first of January.


ARTICLE IX        Special Committee:


The President shall appoint Special Committees as the necessity for them arises, and prescribe their duties and powers.



All HLR property owners and renters in Tournaments sponsored by this Association must be current with Holly Lake Association.


ARTICLE XI        Rules Violations:

Section 1. Article II defines the object of the MGA as to promote good fellowship and sportsmanship for all MGA functions. Action must be initiated to assure that all golfers adhere to the rules out of respect to their fellow golfers.


Section 2. The following actions constitute violations, not only of the MGA rules and United States Golf Association rules, but also violate the intent of good sportsmanship.


a) Altering and/or changing the scorecard during MGA play days, MGA tournaments or any other Holly Lake Ranch sponsored golfing functions.


b) Moving the ball from where it lies more than the allowable rules in force for the current game or tournament.


c) Vulgar and/or abusive language normally not acceptable in public places, spoken loud enough for surrounding participants and/or spectators to hear.

Section 3. The individual violating section 2 (a), (b) or (c) above shall be reported the Holly Lake Ranch Golf Professional or an officer of the MGA Board of Directors. The reported violation shall be in writing and signed by the reporting person(s). Documentation shall contain at a minimum the time, place, date, and violation.


Section 4.


(1) The golf professional and/or MGA Board shall call a special meeting of the MGA Board of Directors in accordance with Article IV, Section 2, to assess the reported violation.


(2) The following actions shall be implemented by the MGA board.


• First Offense:       Issue a letter or reprimand
• Second Offense:  Probation for one (1) year (all Holly Lake Golfing functions)
• Third Offense:      Suspended from all Holly Lake Golfing Functions for one (1) year


Section 5.


(1) The reported violator has the right to appeal and must submit his appeal in writing to the president, MGA Executive Board.

(2) The President, MGA Board, shall convene a meeting with appropriate personnel to hear the appeal and to determine any additional action required.

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